Sharing is caring

By Anonymous - 19/07/2020 23:00

Today, I found out my sister-in-law cheated on her husband. I also found out my uncle cheated on my aunt with my sister-in-law. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 780
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why is this your business? Or do you feel guilty for bringing them together? In reality, you had nothing to do with it.


Boyufd 24

so your uncle slept with your sister in law, who's married to someone in your family?

Why is this your business? Or do you feel guilty for bringing them together? In reality, you had nothing to do with it.

I never said it was. You’re the one that made that assumption based on my comment.

HokieJ 10

So your brother is the one that really got ******?

Depending on the relationship, OP could be married and her spouse could be the sibling of either the sister-in-law or her husband. So the sister-in-law’s husband doesn’t necessarily have to be OP’s brother.

HokieJ 10

very true! The plot thickens!

voodoo66 5

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