Gratitude walks

By funnywoe - 19/07/2020 20:01

Today, my uncle is staying with my family and he just gave me the weirdest 'gift' I've ever gotten. He gave me his used shaver. He said he realized that it's for women, but I find this disgusting. I could maybe sanitize it, but then I would have to touch the hairs on it. I had to pretend to be truly grateful for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 567
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mickymoose1 15

I mean it's not like you have to use it. Could just say "great! thanks so much Uncle" then throw it away the next chance you get. That's what I do when I receive gifts I don't appreciate as there is no sense making someone feel bad about their good intentions.

He's using a women's shaver? What? In return, you could give him some of your used hygiene products and up the intensity of the game!


mickymoose1 15

I mean it's not like you have to use it. Could just say "great! thanks so much Uncle" then throw it away the next chance you get. That's what I do when I receive gifts I don't appreciate as there is no sense making someone feel bad about their good intentions.

grantssss 3

It’s a hint shave ur stache dude

He's using a women's shaver? What? In return, you could give him some of your used hygiene products and up the intensity of the game!