Sexy surprise

By perfectmoment - 10/10/2009 22:22 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend called me and told me he wanted me to stay the night. I decided to wear my sexiest outfit for him so I put on my kinky nurse outfit and drove over to his house. I let myself in his front door, to which I found 40 of my closest friends staring at me for my surprise birthday party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 311
You deserved it 21 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

clockworkrainbow 3

Forget about your birthday? Oh well, I'd still enjoy the party.

haha hey op it can still go the way you wanted it to ;)


That's very kind of him, and that is quite frustrating what happened to you, may wanna wear a trench coat or a sweatsuit over it next time.

Iwashere12345 0

way to get the party started, OP!

your 40 closest friends ? how many close friends have u got?

40 of your closest friends? Seriously?

Ydi for not waiting till you got there to put it on