
By Anonymous - 12/06/2021 05:01 - United States - Greenville

Today, I've lost so much weight from depression that I don't fit into women's clothing anymore. There's nothing like trying to find dress pants in the kids section. FML
I agree, your life sucks 844
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The same thing happened to me. On top of the depression, I felt physically ill a lot. Not fun at all. It's a super shitty thing to go through. It helps to speak with a doctor about the weight loss. You could make a plan on how to get healthier and at least try to physically feel a little better. I hope that things turn around for you!

There are some brands with petite lines. I hope you'll feel better soon!


The same thing happened to me. On top of the depression, I felt physically ill a lot. Not fun at all. It's a super shitty thing to go through. It helps to speak with a doctor about the weight loss. You could make a plan on how to get healthier and at least try to physically feel a little better. I hope that things turn around for you!

There are some brands with petite lines. I hope you'll feel better soon!

I have the same issue. Not only are buying clothes super depressing but people think they can say all kinds of horrible things to you that they would never say to a heavy person and total strangers think they have a right to put their hands on you usually while saying "Your so LITTLE!" like that gives them the right.