By ConnorFails - 12/05/2009 01:25 - United States

Today, I decided I didn't care about my pride, and so I asked this girl out in a text. After an hour of no response I asked again. Later I got a text saying, "I'm sorry, This is Emily's mom. Emily isn't here at the moment, but if I were you, I wouldn't ask again." I was rejected by her mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 078
You deserved it 17 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh damn. are you sure that was even her? or just pretending!

Your first mistake was asking a girl out by text message. Seriously, grow a pair and ask her out face-to-face.


I had to ask this girl out on a dare her mom answered the phone and I did it anyway i got rejected by her mom and her later when her mom told her the story hahaha

I'm wondering if that was really her mom or not. But anyway it goes, that's funny, 'cause my name's Emily and my friends sent that exact text to a guy a few weeks ago when he kept texting me asking me out.

nutella11_fml 2

My mom did that to a guy before too and my names Emily bahah

I'm sorry, that sucks! But it was probably not actually her mom, just her pretending.

Your first mistake was asking a girl out by text message. Seriously, grow a pair and ask her out face-to-face.

At least you acknowledge that you were being an idiot by asking a girl out over text. Maybe she'd say yes if you talked to her in person or at least called.

Damm right. Ask her to her face. The problem with Text's and e-mails is it is impossible to convey your body language and tone from them. Do it in person or not at all!

"Uh.. I REALLY like you A LOT. SO MUCH that I am sending you a text message!"

3reezee 0

faairly positive it was her. lying through text is easy as, so is asking out coward