Sex ed is ******

By danmarino - 09/03/2009 23:29 - United States

Today, these kids in my math class told me to ask this girl if I could lick her clit. I basically yelled, "What's a clit?" Everyone looked at me. I'm a senior in high school, no one has yet to explain it to me. I had to Google it when I got home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 813
You deserved it 83 867

Same thing different taste

Taking pictures

By Anonymous - 05/12/2019 14:00

Today, I was teaching a high school calculus class. I wrote a complex formula on the board. As I wrote, students asked if they could take a picture of the board and circulate it. I said yes, and I was pleased as everybody seemed to be taking pictures. Soon, I realized why: my skirt was tucked into my underwear. Within a few minutes, every student in the school had an email with a picture of my ugliest pair of floral-printed panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 223
You deserved it 477

Top comments


Hullaballoo, maybe you just have a problem with deriving context from text. All I said was, that is what I learned in SEX ED class. That is ALL I was TAUGHT. So I'm saying it is possible that, this kid, had a similar experience. Good lord, I don't know if I can make it any more clearer. Yes they taught basically abstinence, but that is not his fault. If that is ONLY what they TAUGHT him, then that's all he would know, without doing research on his own. Some SEX ED classes, are not comprehensive, like some you may have had. I know the ones in college are EXTREMELY comprehensive. If people still can't understand, well... to bad, I'm not really going to defend this kid anymore. I've definitely wrote enough to constitute me having no life. For all those that want to threaten, attack, insult, praise or just plain comment me, feel free to email me at [email protected] Love and Peace to all

My teacher didn't teach abstinence, he taught 'sex feels great but if you don't use a condom or some type of contraception you will get pregnant" and he didn't encourage sex, but he didn't discourage it either but yeah you need to take anatomy or else you'll never learn to please a girl

wait i was wrong, you can not take anatomy and still learn from experiance or reasearch, but anatomy helps

Hm... When you're entering highschool, learning what the ******** is should be a matter of hours somethings is apparently going wrong with our educational system here! : P Well, now you know what a Clit is. And knowing is half the battle! : D

Wow, you don't understand one word and everyone says that you're an ass... Anyway, trying to keep up with all this stupid slang (and before anyone kills me, yes I realise Clit isn't exacaly a new word) is like trying to catch a cheater on foot: Pointless and near-imposible.

Why the hell should the educational system be wasting time on teaching what a ******** is? Good lord, doesn't anyone sit down with their children and have the talk anymore? Really? Whoever said that, I'm betting 99% that you are a liberal.

andiecandyy 0

agreed with numbers 1 through 9. and most other comments here about being ignorant.

JcJavo 0

Hey... we are all different... I didn't know about a lot of things for a long time to... And truthfully, i wish i could take back knowing half the thing i know on the topic... I don't think this is FML worthy... You cant be expected to know everything, and for those that look down on you, then that's a bit sad that they cant accept the fact that others aren't as sex obsessed as them... Good luck, and well... you will learn when the time comes