The Dark Knight

By Boyufd - 30/07/2020 23:01

Today, I noticed my acne scars are almost forming the Batman symbol. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 243
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

That’s pretty badass. I’m going to try a Richard Pencil style comment. Ahem... Forget backne! Sounds like you’ve got Bat-ne! On a positive note, Gotham City could use your picture to summon the Dark Knight!


Marcella1016 31

That’s pretty badass. I’m going to try a Richard Pencil style comment. Ahem... Forget backne! Sounds like you’ve got Bat-ne! On a positive note, Gotham City could use your picture to summon the Dark Knight!

monstrousella 4

She does a better job than you. She even is more thoughtful.

If I could choose, this is what I would go for

Holy Pustule, Batman! Just when we thought The Joker was out of material, your face gives him at least 20 minutes of killer one-liners. And he could stretch that if he goes full-Gallagher!

From The Spot to the Dark Knight. Villain to anti-hero. That's progress, and I'm proud of you. The next time you're out for a walk, and find penny, or some equivalent, that's from me for doing such a good job. However, you'll have to pat your own head. Social distancing and whatnot.

Keep an eye out for the symbol in the night sky.