Sex ed is ******

By danmarino - 09/03/2009 23:29 - United States

Today, these kids in my math class told me to ask this girl if I could lick her clit. I basically yelled, "What's a clit?" Everyone looked at me. I'm a senior in high school, no one has yet to explain it to me. I had to Google it when I got home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 813
You deserved it 83 867

Same thing different taste

Taking pictures

By Anonymous - 05/12/2019 14:00

Today, I was teaching a high school calculus class. I wrote a complex formula on the board. As I wrote, students asked if they could take a picture of the board and circulate it. I said yes, and I was pleased as everybody seemed to be taking pictures. Soon, I realized why: my skirt was tucked into my underwear. Within a few minutes, every student in the school had an email with a picture of my ugliest pair of floral-printed panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 223
You deserved it 477

Top comments


#47, you need to learn how to pleasure a woman. :)

lol go look at some **** expand ur vocab XD

fcuk_fml 0

oh my god..! i am sorry for you because that's just sad! but it's okay, one time we were learning about sex in sex-ed and some girl asked to her friend, "What's a G-SPOT?" loud enough for a bunch of seniors around them to hear. and by 'some girl' i don't mean me!

wow dnt they teach u sex ed in school

Vagabones 0

#18: Not if you go to Catholic school. I'm sure they tell you that your genitals are evil and immoral.

Does anyone else find this scenario to be really weird? and jesus, where were you during sex ed?

alyssa_22 0
KimberlyAngelaaa 0

my brothers are 13 and they know what that is i think i learned what it was in like 4th grade where have you been?

even i knew what a clit was by high school. and i'm gay!

This will be the first time that I will actually defend someone on First off, for all of those that said, dude go get laid... that has nothing to do with figuring out what a ******** is. You can have sex a million times and not know what a ******** is. So for all those idiots that said, "get laid" your remarks are invalid. For anyone that brought up sex ed, WTF are you talking about!? They don't teach you how to stimulate a girl during sex! The whole point of sex ed, if you can't remember was to discourage you from having unsafe sex, and to postpone sex until you were mature enough. Seems like you need to job your memory and figure out what you learned in sex ed in middle and high school. True in college they do teach you what the ******** is, and how to stimulate it, and how to get maximum pleasure sex. But this kid is in high school, they don't teach that stuff in high school. Really people? Come up with some better insults. For those of you that blatantly said, "Watch some ****" WOW GOOD ONE! Some people are just ridiculously stupid. Watching some guy do a girl, or watching to girls make out, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LEARNING THE DEFINITION OF A ********! The only way he could actually learn from this stupid endeavor was to be watching ****, where the girl is screaming, "RUB MY CLIT, RUB MY CLIT" and then it zooms in to the guy rubbing exactly where the clit is. How realistic is this to happen in a porno? NOT REALIST. Good lord, some of you people must just **** your brains away, because it certainly is not reflected with your seemingly quick witticisms and jeers. Another point that I want to make, is that the kid is in HIGH SCHOOL. You know, those good old years when you went to school to get ready for college, did sports, and made friends. Are you really faulting this kid for not having sex in high school?!? REALLY?!?! What kind of crappy as morals have you grown up with that makes it socially acceptable to sleep around? I remember a time where it was respectful and appreciated if someone saved their self for a significant other. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sure all of you in high school were madly in love and thought you were going to be with that person forever. Good lord, I think I will throw up if I hear that story one more time. You are in high school for crying out loud! Go out and have fun. Go be apart of a team, go clean up the environment, volunteer, take up a hobby, hang out with friends, study for your subjects, apply for college, date, figure out your beliefs and spirituality. There is so much more to life that knowing what a god damn ******** is. For all those intellectuals out there that think you know so much, do you know what an "ajawea" is? No!??!?! Wow what a stupid bunch of retards! What kind of school did you go to? You should go be more educated! See how stupid that makes you sound? Our world is full of complete morons, and if you know you are better than that, show it, write it, live it! I'm a 20 year old male, who has never had sex. Not only that, but I had never kissed any girl until after I graduated high school. I can guarantee you, that no way, shape or form do I feel like an idiot, uneducated or retarded. Girls come up to me saying how attractive I am, women tell me how amazing I am as a human being. Having sex has no real affect on your character, unless you allow it to absolve your every thought and let it distort your perception of reality and how things are supposed to be. For all those that want to threaten, attack, insult, praise or just plain comment me, feel free to email me at [email protected] Love and Peace to all