Great first date

By Anonymous - 23/04/2021 08:08

Today, I went on a date. I didn’t want to go to his house, but we all have needs. I told him I should leave because I needed my medication in the morning. Passed out. Woke up, had a seizure, then made him go to my apartment to get my meds. This was a first date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 051
You deserved it 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you guys end up together, it’ll make a great story.

ojoRojo 27

I would suggest bringing your meds with you, especially if you know you might be out late or all night. Or at least keep a few pills with you as an emergency supply. I hope you’re feeling better now!


If you guys end up together, it’ll make a great story.

ojoRojo 27

I would suggest bringing your meds with you, especially if you know you might be out late or all night. Or at least keep a few pills with you as an emergency supply. I hope you’re feeling better now!

This is a great idea. keep an old container the next time you get a refill, and keep one or two pills in the old container and put in your purse for emergencies. just remember to switch them out with fresh ones every now and then so they don't expire.

Well, on the plus side, he sounds like a guy who is willing to go the extra mile for you when you need him to.

J15237 25

If it all works out you really have to admit it’s a fun story to tell your future children when they ask how did you meet daddy. I really hope there is a 2nd date for you.

bound101 7

Met each others needs, survived trauma...I'd go for it.

The big question is, did he mind terribly and complain? Or was he happy to do so. Was he concerned about you? Will there be a second date. How he reacted is a huge indicator of whether he'd be a compatible partner or not.

Maybe you should always have some of your meds with you.

Reminds me of the second date with my (now) wife. I convinced her to stay over. She had extra pills in her purse, though so it wasn’t a big deal. We went by her place the next morning so she could pick up the rest of the pills... Sounds like a good date.

gingersnap99 3

Hey at least the second date won’t be as bad 🤷🏼‍♀️