By Anonymous - 02/12/2015 10:41 - South Africa - Johannesburg

Today, after working my ass off for months trying to prove myself, I received an email from my boss regarding the end-year function. Excited to be invited, I opened the email just to see I'm the only one being left behind to answer the phones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 360
You deserved it 1 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's gotta suck. Man your boss needs to learn management of staff.

Hey, at least you'll have people to talk to


How come literally ANYTHING I comment on this site is downvoted to hell...?

Because its fml. people assume you're trying too hard. or too little. or maybe you just suck. I don't know.

Psycocharger 19

That sucks OP! Hopefully someone recognizes your awesome efforts soon :)

That's gotta suck. Man your boss needs to learn management of staff.

Hey, at least you'll have people to talk to

I've seen the future and Janice from accounting takes a giant shit on the food table and ruins the party. Your boss saved you.

It's always Janice from accounting. she broke the espresso machine, and unplugged your computer during a long important email by tripping and slept with your boyfriend. God that bitch Janice. XD

Good process eventually leads to Good results just keep at it bro you'll get the results you deserve eventually

That's what they want you to think so you will go and make them more money.

Publikwerks 14

They usually make arrangements for people left behind - food and whatnot. If they don't, that blows and you should load up your car with office supplies.