By disgruntled - 09/12/2015 15:01

Today, my boss is writing me up for not signing a report before I left work. He refused to print the report that day, and I don't have access to the printers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 298
You deserved it 1 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Send a carrier pigeon with your signature on a scroll

There wasn't anyone else who could print it for you?


Send a carrier pigeon with your signature on a scroll

Wizardo 33

RIP Carrie Pigens, she was taken from us too young.

There wasn't anyone else who could print it for you?

websphere69 27

write "report" on a blank piece of paper and sign it....

If your job is important enough that you must sign your name on reports, then how do you not have access to printers? Aren't they networked in offices these days? Just find the IP address

mds9986 24

I wonder how much depression would be cured if bosses like this didn't exist.

olpally 32

I'd go right to HR. That's such crap! Bosses like that are so infuriating.

This is definitely something up with which you should not put! Do not acknowledge the write up unless you have space for rebuttal.

And if you couldn't print it out, WHY wouldn't he?