Seething jealousy

By Anonymous - 07/06/2016 01:04

Today, my sister, who has been seeing a guy for a year, got engaged. I've been dating my boyfriend for over 5 years and let out some not so subtle hints and he basically refused to propose. This is her second marriage in the time of my relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 173
You deserved it 2 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's probably the reason that it's her second marriage and you're still with the same guy.

I think you'll have to accept that your sister is not really selling the marriage thing too well.


The thing about marriage is that you have to wait until both of you are ready. Pressure to propose because other people are doing it is not going to help the situation.

2 marriages in 5 years is not something i'd envy someone for. See it that way, your relationship is lasting and your sisters can't keep a marriage going. She should be the one writing and fml in my opinion.

My sister and her man dated for 10 years before they married. There's still hope, OP.

Surely the last sentence tells you all you need to know?

Rather than hinting, have you sat down and actually talked to each other about marriage? Because that's what you need to do. And don't bring up your sister's relationships.

ohsnapword 21

Two marriages in five years? Sounds like you have the healthier relationship. For what it's worth, I got engaged after 9 years of dating. My suggestion is to talk to him about his and your future plans.

jcash52426 5

Your boyfriend may not be the marring type. ( by this I mean he will does all the thing that a husband does but he doesn't need a piece of paper to tell you or anyone else that you to are going to be together for the rest of your life.

Honestly with over half of marriages failing, I see nothing wrong with (and plan to personally) dating the same person for at least 5-6 years before getting married. Gotta make sure you've found the one, and if you're still with the same guy either way what does it really matter when you get married? Just be with each other!

It's not really a perfect telling, though I agree. It gives you a better chance at least