
By insurance lies - 08/07/2013 14:48 - United States

Today, I had to get an MRI. I double and triple checked to make sure there was no out-of-pocket cost. When I arrived at the testing center, I was expected to pay full price for the test. It costs $2,360. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 560
You deserved it 3 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

graceinsheepwear 33

Never neglect the quadruple check.

TheDrifter 23

Ouch, did it at least come back clean? Good news makes the financial hit a little easier to take.


shibeep 12

Do you except monopoly money? I've heard it's got a couple on the US

shibeep 12

You must be the grammar nazi who can't watch ****

kidsgotastinky 11

Wow I bet that made your head hurt didn't it?

What kind of insurance do you have!!!!

perdix 29

#15, Lying Bastard Mutual. For three years in a row they've won the J.D. Power Award* *for Premium Collection and Humorous Advertising.

I was just in the hospital where they ran like 50 tests. I can't wait till I get the bill

Call up your insurance company and demand to know why. They have no right to suddenly change their minds after assuring you!

While triple checking about the co-pay is important, it's not nearly as important as making sure the testing center is in network with your insurance, which is the part I'm betting you didn't do.

25- Exactly. thats probably where the problem is. People fail to realize sometimes that not all offices are in contract with their insurance. Another thing they fail to realize is that procedures like MRIs require authorization from your PCP and insurance, or else they wont pay.

I submitted to soon and cant edit. Anyway, the insurance probably doesnt have any copay or out of pocket when your doctor submits an authorization form and gets it approved by the PCP, but they will not and should not be expectes to pay when proper steps were not taken. MRIs, as you now know, are really expensive and the insurance company wants proof that it is medically necessary before they dish out the money. Think about it, people will start doing expensive tests that are not necessary, who will pay? The company will go backrupt if they attempt to pay all of those cases

vballgirly28 16

Don't ever underestimate the power of a quadruple check!

perdix 29

For fifty bucks, they can give you an X-ray and a box of crayons to make your own enhanced image.

RedPillSucks 31

Ah yes. The student MRI kit.

Swift4Life 13

That's the American health care system for ya. Hope the results come back clean.

And people say we don't need universal health care. Yes, premiums and taxes may go up, but WHEN one gets sick, you don't go broke.

olpally 32

That's horrible. Ugh :( which reminds me, I have to schedule an MRI on my brain... :/ shit. Hopefully you don't have to pay full price.