Medicare for all

By US_Healthcare_Sucks - 30/07/2021 14:01

Today, I went to a doctor's appointment, being concerned about some abnormal swelling and soreness in one of my testicles. They fondled my balls for 20 seconds before saying, "Yeah, that's abnormal. You should probably go get an ultrasound somewhere and maybe take some ibuprofen for the pain. That'll be $265." FML
I agree, your life sucks 992
You deserved it 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are you complaining? Ball-fondling is expensive! I went to a discount urologist and only got 2-3 seconds of ball-fondling.

ajsz051 3

please go somewhere else to get this checked out. I do not want to scare you but my husband is a testicular cancer survivor and you need to get this looked at!


Why are you complaining? Ball-fondling is expensive! I went to a discount urologist and only got 2-3 seconds of ball-fondling.

Professional ball-fondling should cost no more than 2-300$ per hour. According to a friend of mine. Whom I've never met, I swear!

Your "friend" is an impostor. Ball-fondling is purchased in increments of seconds, not hours. You buy steel by the ton, but gold by the ounce.

phybreawptic 13

So the attending physician/doctor told you how much you owed for your bill? Also, MRI's require a referral (in my experience) and I hope you left there with one. Otherwise you'll end up needing another doc visit.

Jon Tessler 14

they didn't say MRI, they said Ultrasound, which can be done in office, without a referral. depending on what his insurance will or won't pay, yep, they can tell you your bill when you leave, or at least your co-pay, which has to be paid when you get seen.

ajsz051 3

please go somewhere else to get this checked out. I do not want to scare you but my husband is a testicular cancer survivor and you need to get this looked at!

Nhayaa2.0 17

As a french, my comment is only to agree with OP's nickname.