Rude boy

By Anonymous - 08/02/2015 19:16

Today, while shopping with my 6-year-old daughter, she said, "Mommy, remember you wanna get duck tape!" A middle-aged guy nearby scoffed and told her, "DUCT, not DUCK. Dumb cunt." I ended up having to drive my bawling daughter home, with no shopping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 609
You deserved it 3 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I still call it duck tape because I use it to tape the mouths of quacking idiots like that guy. What a bird brain.

You should have popped that douche in his mouth . Any guy that talks like that deserves an ass whooping.


cr500guy 11

What an ass. I wouldn't correct an adult like that much less a small child.

I would a nutted the moron and then when he fell to his knees I woulda let my kid knock him in the teeth

Douchecanoe = funniest thing I've heard all day. And I'm a whitewater kayaker and my fiancé is a whitewater boater, which makes it all that much funnier.

You should've told that guy off. Wtf? Stand up for your daughter.

xluciferx666 21

If he had said that to my daughter he would have been knocked flat on his Ass then I would have made him apologize. No reason to talk to a child like that ever

there's a brand called duck tape so she's kinda right

so inappropriate beyond words. makes me so mad. how dare he mean it's not called duck tape...?

There is a brand of tape called Duck Tape.

There is a brand of duct tape called Duck Tape, but no the name of the object is not actually duck tape, although it sounds like it.