Sketchy-looking dude

By NinjaTurtle93 - 17/02/2021 21:30

Today, I overheard a lady tell her child in a store that, “If you don’t stop crying, I’ll tell that guy over there to take you away.” She was referring to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 882
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Absolutely not. If I am at wits end, I will leave the ******* store with my kids. I'm not going to scare the shit out of them by making them think strangers are all out to take them away. That's absolutely horrible and selfish parenting. At wits end may be me overly yelling at them and getting them in trouble in the heat of the moment, but not threatening of being removed and taken from the family. That's ******* psychotic. This was all a reply to the person above, their sentence makes very little sense at all in the first place and they've OK'd the mom threatening 'removal from the family' because she's had a 'rough day'. That's not what you threaten to a child. Ever.

you people are all terrible parents lol, you can reason with kids some times by "talking things out," add in stress from life, work, family, the pandemic, ect. it can being you to wits end, you have no idea what she went through that day. give her a break


Yummi_913 18

Holy **** I hope somebody takes the kid away to a better home!

Wadlaen 23

So, you almost had a kid today?😮

I would have taken said child gone to the manager and called 911. Or at least gotten her license number. Somehow my aunts "I'll give you something to cry about seems normal now

you people are all terrible parents lol, you can reason with kids some times by "talking things out," add in stress from life, work, family, the pandemic, ect. it can being you to wits end, you have no idea what she went through that day. give her a break

Absolutely not. If I am at wits end, I will leave the ******* store with my kids. I'm not going to scare the shit out of them by making them think strangers are all out to take them away. That's absolutely horrible and selfish parenting. At wits end may be me overly yelling at them and getting them in trouble in the heat of the moment, but not threatening of being removed and taken from the family. That's ******* psychotic. This was all a reply to the person above, their sentence makes very little sense at all in the first place and they've OK'd the mom threatening 'removal from the family' because she's had a 'rough day'. That's not what you threaten to a child. Ever.

ghostinflames 13

No, you never give up on your children, or treat them so rudely.

mccuish 25

That would’ve been a huge red flag if I heard a parent say something like that

rotflqtms_ 21

You should have growled, haha