Rude boy

By Anonymous - 08/02/2015 19:16

Today, while shopping with my 6-year-old daughter, she said, "Mommy, remember you wanna get duck tape!" A middle-aged guy nearby scoffed and told her, "DUCT, not DUCK. Dumb cunt." I ended up having to drive my bawling daughter home, with no shopping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 609
You deserved it 3 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I still call it duck tape because I use it to tape the mouths of quacking idiots like that guy. What a bird brain.

You should have popped that douche in his mouth . Any guy that talks like that deserves an ass whooping.


Some people really need to grow up. Also, there actually is a brand of duct tape called Duck tape, so I guess your daughter wasn't technically wrong lol.

gintwinsmoore 20

should've punched him dead in his ******* mouth for speaking to ur daughter like that. period.

Maybe the man was talking to the mother, as in for "teaching" her daughter the wrong thing.

Roskosity 22

Doesn't matter. Talking to anyone like that is abhorrent.

hamrtym 15

should've punched him in the face and said, "she said duck! next time maybe you wont get hit!"

So, if I'm reading this right, this guy called your 6 year old a ****? Had it been my daughter, the respondents to the call for help would have had to scrape his bloody, mangled carcass off the floor. And the walls. And the ceiling.

SystemofaBlink41 27

And drag you to the loony bin, don't forget that part.

It would be worth it. They might even give me one of those pretty white jackets. I can hug myself as I stare blankly at the padded walls and recall memories of how many horror movies start or end in this way. I will have time to contemplate how my nurse vaguely resembles those at Silent Hill.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Damn, you put a surprisingly positive twist on being put in a loony bin. Kind of makes me wanna go batshit insane...

My comment was going to be how the mom should have found a large man that looked like he'd enjoy hurting someone like that, but I'd get you. :)

Go insane! Go insane! Throw some glitter make it rain! Maybe blood instead of glitter, both would be fun I imagine.

I totally agree #17. You insult my family especially a child it's war. I would never let anyone tell that to a child. Even if the child wasn't related to me if I heard it I would have stepped in and corrected his ignorance.

What carcass? There are pig farms everywhere and they will eat anything but teeth, which could have collected after the first few blows and my daughter could string a necklace while I finished the job. LMAO but seriously what a prick

TomeDr 24

What a horrible man!! And there is a brand of crafting duct tape that's called DUCK tape. Poor little girl got a life lesson.

What a horrible man to say that to a child. About tape as well, of all things. If I was that kid I would've balled my eyes out too...there's no need for anyone to be so spitefully miserable for no reason. Sorry OP, FYL :(

Let's hope this "****" doesn't breed.

ordinarygent 14

*motherly instincts kick in* *slaps middle aged man*