What did you do?

By Anonymous - 04/02/2024 05:00

Today, at my niece's christening, I was outside with family when we suddenly heard shouting and the priest pushing my husband outside while screaming, “GET OUT OF MY CHURCH!” Friar Tuck style. It’s been six hours and husband still won’t tell me what he did that upset a priest that badly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 594
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Madness_Mayhem 2

I'm really curious, ask the priest!


Madness_Mayhem 2

I'm really curious, ask the priest!

Kick him out of the house. It's pretty tough to anger a priest, so it must be bad.

This is a cruel FML teaser. You need to post the rest!

You need to know. Weren’t any of your family inside?

All right, show of hands - who read "get out of my church" in badger Friar Tuck's voice? But yes, we need to know what happened LOL