
By Anonymous - 05/03/2010 12:54 - United States

Today, my girlfriend blew up at me for a comment I had made several weeks ago about not wanting kids. Then, she told me that she's pregnant. After consoling her and telling her that whatever we do, we'll do it together, she further explained that she's not sure if it's mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 696
You deserved it 3 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you just found your out.... Run!

nibawan 0

did you drive her to the hospital after you pushed her down the stairs?


WOW!!! sorry that this happened to you. if she is indeed pregant, force her to get a DNA test and I would also consult with an attorney.

sks4613 1

wow to bad she doesn't share you motto about whatever you do you do together

In fairness, those screaming for the OP to dump her, we don't actually know the situation in which she got knocked up: If she cheated then FYL, get out of there, have the DNA test and stick around for the kid if it's yours. Or stick around for the kid to make sure she doesn't screw it's life up. However if the reason she got knocked up was more sinister - which I doubt, because then it would have been her fml not yours - then you might want to stick around for both her and the kid. However I agreed with a post further up, good on you for being decent and consoling her, a fair few guys would have walked from that room there and then.

That was nice of you to console the ****. Cull bitches like that give all the good bitches a bad rep.

leave her for something better. it's her problem now!

Giorgio272 2

dump the bitch. chances are she got cut and slept around. her fault for overreacting. so she can bare that burden.

be the good guy while it might be yours... it's yours til proven otherwise.

spetchi 0

I definitely haven't heard that word in a while XD