
By creditwhore - 24/02/2010 19:13 - United States

Today, I decided to apply for a credit card to help build up my credit rating. It seemed smart since I'm a 24 year-old college graduate. I was rejected for not having a credit history. Being rejected turns out to hurt your credit history. The irony of my predicament is too great for words. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 648
You deserved it 2 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't understand this at all. Credit Card companies used to have people on my college campus all the time because, since most of us didn't have a credit history, it was easier to get credit cards. Here's my advice. Open up a secured line of credit with your bank. You give them a certain amount of cash, and they put it on a card for you. That card works like a credit card on your credit score, but you don't get into crazy debt over it. It's prepaid.

Depending on who you're banking with you can get this card that is sort of your training wheels for the future. You put 200$ in an account then they give you a card with a 200$ limit to use. If you use this card correctly they will then give you a full fledged credit card. Look into it, it sucks but in the end it's worth it.


Sounds like your mommy and daddy mustve paid for your college education. YDI it for not trying to be independent sooner. I got a mortgage in my name when I was 20.

Well clap clap, good for you. Unfortunately, not everyone lives like you.

They don't charge you interest if you pay it off in time. So it is the same as using a debit card. Also there are other ways to build credit. You can start a savings account. You can pay your utilities on time (gas, electric, water, etc.). You can borrow from yourself and take out a secured loan from the bank. You can join a credit union. It's all there on google. OP should have plenty of ways to build credit without going into debt, paying interest on credit cards and the like.

This is an FYI for every college student who reads this: Get a credit card early on in college. For the love of god, don't use it - put bills on it that you pay off every month. Credit card companies are eager to give cards to college students, since they assume they'll be irresponsible and buy $2000 worth of beer and take 10 years to pay it back. But you NEED to get a credit card to build credit. And for all the "just save up to buy what you want lolll" people, that is just a financial impossibility for most people. Even if you save up for a fat down payment on a house, you need credit to get a loan to pay off your mortgage.

Agreed! I got a credit card in college. When you graduate, most apartment buildings require a credit check, and they won't accept you if you don't have any credit at all. You need credit for just about everything. There's a saying -- "bad credit is better than no credit."

That's insane! Weird reason to get rejected for a credit card. In the Netherlands, where I live, they check your wages, and debts. If you have more debts than income you get rejected. The limit on your card is determined by the wages you earn. Simple, and relatively safe for the credit card company.

that happen to me...its easier to get a credit card thats for students through ur bank or get a debt card.

Dear OP, Welcome to the American Dream. This is neither FYL or YDI; I wish you luck in your endeavors.

Being granted a loan isn't ALL about having been able to repay previous loans. But if you have a good record of paying bills (such as phone bills, car loans, student loans, utlities, ect...) your chances of getting a loan are better. If a friend came to you and said "I don't have a job, don't have any money"... would you lend them money? If a friend came to you and said "I have a job. I'll pay you back." And you knew they were good with their savings... would you lend them money? If a friend came to you and said "I have a job. I'll pay you back." You knew they were good with their savings and other friends had told you how he had paid you back on time and taken you out to eat as a thank you... would you lend them money? same kind of thing with a credit line. You could have great savings and a good bank history... but a credit history is different. Just because you know how to put your paychecks in an account doesn't necessarily mean you can be trusted to make payments on time or be responisible about budgets and contracts. I don't think suspicious is quite the right word. But yeah... not having any kind of credit history after a certain age doesn't seem very wise. If a 40year old tried to get a mortgage and had no previous credit history.. it would be kind of odd. Like turning in a resume for a Management position without having any previous work experience or school experience... I don't know how it is in france... but you can still get loans if you had bad finacial situations in the US... they just won't be very good loans. Probably put you in worse debt. If you had 'good' credit history... and then failed to pay off 4 credit cards, your rent and your bills.. then of course it's going to be harder to get approved for a credit card or a loan or whatever.. just like if a friend of yours was known for not paying back friends or splitting bills. if you're smart about how you use your credit cards then you can go 10 years without paying any interest and get your mortgage with a great credit score. Debit card or credit card.. same thing. Though I believe you'd be better off using a credit card.. might need to ask your bank. I think I used a debit card for a few years and for some reason it didn't go towards helping my credit score at all. I could be wrong, though. Like the other person mentioned.... if you pay off your 30dollars of groceries at the end of the month in full.. there is no interest. If you paid the minimum.. then yes.. you may be charged a bit more.. but usually it's nothing that noticable... like sales tax on a purchase. The problem is people that get multiple credit cards, make big purchases and/or only make the minimum payments on their credit cards. If I made some purchases on a card that came out to be $2000.00... my minimum payment on my bill would probably be around $15.00... only an idiot would pay $15.00 each month until it was paid off. Get one card, make payments of $200.00 or more and don't ADD to the $2000.00 and really there's no problem. I don't know if you're familiar with Layway options at stores. You buy a bunch of stuff at a store, they hold it for a fee (usually) and you make payments over a few months until it is paid off and you can take them home. Same thing with credit cards. Think interest as a fee for them helping out break up your payments. Credit cards are great with emergencies or juggling finances. if you get paid every other friday... but need something on the week you DON'T get paid... your credit card is there to cover the money you will have in a few days. sorry that was long and if you already knew most of this. I'm just surprised so many people are freaked out by such a useful and helpful system..

I think it is possible to get to that age without credit, but that's besides the point. How can you possible be rejected for having no credit history when it's YOUR FIRST FREAKIN TIME. Yeah, I asked my mom how this could be possible and she started blabbing on about how it could be because they can't trust you but I'm like how can they have distrust in him IF HE'S NEVER HAD CREDIT BEFORE. Frustrated to no end. I don't care if all the companies do this, this is plain out stupid. But if you can't get a credit card, get a debit card to start since I think that's better than credit anyways. Try to pull your credit up with that far enough and after that, if you really want another shot at the credit card, you can try.