By gui909 - 09/12/2008 07:01 - France

Today, I went to fill up my car. 500 metres before the petrol station, I saw a group of motorcyclists in my rear view mirror. I slowed down and pulled over to let them past. In fact, they were also going to fill up. 35 motorcyclists and 2 petrol pumps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 804
You deserved it 7 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know they probably would have let you use the pump first if you asked.

thatsucked64 0

at least they're small tanks.


You know they probably would have let you use the pump first if you asked.

wow your dumb thats what u get for being too nice

thatsucked64 0

at least they're small tanks.

that happend to me in subway,a dude got in and asked for a water bottle,they made him wait,when my turn came i suggested that he goes first for the water bottle,then he called his buddies to ask them what do they want for lunch

Ah, I hate it when you do something somewhat nice and get bitten in the ass for it...

dude theres like a gas station on every corner deal with it go to another one!

not in france, no. france, well, when i last went there, we had to drive half an hour to get to a petrol station which was in a town in the middle of nowhere. most of france is farms and unused areas. unlike america.

and if he's in the country? There definitely isn't one on every corner.

Lol, your life isn't really ****** 'cause of it though ...