Real friends

By The bitch is back - 20/12/2022 11:00 - United States

Today, a former friend of mine, with whom I viciously cut ties a few months ago after I found out she's a narcissist, was one of very few people to wish me a happy birthday. Thanks, but no thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 625
You deserved it 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, sounds like she’s better off without you too…

People tend to use the term Narcissist apparently without fully understanding what it means. Frankly it sounds like OP is the narcissist and not their former friend.


Wow, sounds like she’s better off without you too…

People tend to use the term Narcissist apparently without fully understanding what it means. Frankly it sounds like OP is the narcissist and not their former friend.

She's probably just wishing you a happy birthday just so she can tell everyone on social media that she did so and people will think she's a good friend.

Sonotsuave 35

Ok, and lol? If this is the biggest FML of your life then you have other issues. You can always like it or say a polite thank you and move on. Not that big of a deal

So this "narcissist" actually made the effort to contact you on your birthday and send you warm wishes, while X amount of others didn't bother, or didn't care enough to remember? This says a lot more about you than it does her, although I guess that may depend on how many people know you well enough to offer their own wishes for your birthday.

I have a friend like this also. She finds a way to make everything about her, even other people's birthdays. Happened to me last year, it was awful.