
By Anonymous - 17/02/2010 07:39 - United States

Today, it's my 18th birthday. Last month was my best friend's 18th birthday. She spent the night with me, and the next morning, my mom and brother gathered in my room and sang "Happy Birthday" as they handed her pancakes with a candle on top. Today, I was woken up by screams to take the trash out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 646
You deserved it 2 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nooo, it's all part of the surprise! You go to take the trash out, and someone has parked a car amongst the rubbish! But no, you can't accept it when someone does something nice.

KurouTenshi 0

well on my bday I lost my job, got a bday card that informed me my rent was due, and then I only got to eat cold ravioli (which, incidentally, is just as good cold, as it is cooked)


elchiclebubalu 2

hey first and haha ur life sucks. aybe u should remind them it's ur birthday

xxjona777xx 0

why is an fml?! u have nice parents! I wish my frends parents gave me pancakes on my bday :(

They were singing to her friend.. not to her

WAIT.... what if they know it's her bday, but they're growing a surprise bday party? Ever thought about that OP?

they wouldn't have posted it if that happened

chloe2114 4

hppy b-day!!;-). 0(this means Im horny)and Im drunk


she's saying when it was her friends birthday her parents sang happy birhday to her friend not to her smart one

wow am I the only one that actually understands this fml

baby_val 0

agreed! why didn't ur so called "best friend" do somethin for uu when Uu woke up

Awww.... what nice parents! (sarcasm) Simple solution so that never happens again: Move out of your parents' house and rent one with a buddy or two. At least there will be no happy birthday screams!

my friends parents gave HER pancakes mine made me do chores all day and not even mine. I love living on a ranch/farm but it is way hard work. So yea anyways it basically aint an FML I was just pissed so I put that up.

monkeybanana 7

thats my life right there lol

guyfawke 5

it sort of sounds like something my parents would do.

catastrophicsock 0

Normally, I YDI this stuff because its selfish, but if they did it for your friend, then its only fair to do it to you. Sorry. Oh, and @1: STFU. No one cares

Completely agree with #2. Can't YDI although I usually do. FYL.

Horney4her69 0

sucks for her. seriously if that was me i would be pissed off and not talk to them for awhile. i mean they are all happy and jolly and shit for her friends bday and not for their own family? Oh well better luck next year

D: welp, happy birfday anyway..! only gets worse when you get older! haha..

Hehe. I guess you're right... but "Happy Birthday"s on FML are kinda meaningless, considering they're just pixels from people you'll never meet... Happy Birthday, anyway, OP. :-)

Man I hate ppl who think birthdays actually matter. Quit being selfish.

afarr 0

ummm. if they didn't matter noone would be vorn, isnt that right sirin?

so you hate people who celebrate something that's been a human tradition for years? why are you such a hateful person? cheer up braaahhhhh

too late, we got you now. now where did i put that stake?

#4: birthdays do matter dipshit. especially her 18th.

You're just mad at the world because no one ever remembers your birthday; or cares to celebrate it.

afarr 0

thanks and NEVAR i will feast on twifans blood!

Nooo, it's all part of the surprise! You go to take the trash out, and someone has parked a car amongst the rubbish! But no, you can't accept it when someone does something nice.

lickmyjock 0

and if all else fails you can kiss her mouth and shove her down south.

can lickmyjock plz change his/her pic!!! :/ for the love of god do!

KurouTenshi 0

well on my bday I lost my job, got a bday card that informed me my rent was due, and then I only got to eat cold ravioli (which, incidentally, is just as good cold, as it is cooked)

youthink_fml 0

If someone screamed at you to take the trash out first thing in the morning, you're probably a typical teenager that was supposed to do that yesterday and now it's piling up while someone tries to make breakfast for your birthday.

mp73 0