Reach out, seek help

By Just being over dramatic, apparently - 11/03/2022 04:00

Today, I realized there are only three things keeping me from committing suicide: My pets, my fictional comfort character, and the knowledge that if I failed, I’d not only be institutionalized, but be kicked out of my very Catholic high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 910
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CounselorSmileyFace 8

You can also text HOME to 741741 for the Crisis Textline. You matter, and there is hope.


CounselorSmileyFace 8

How about avoiding eternity in Hell? I think Catholicism frowns upon that.

You can also text HOME to 741741 for the Crisis Textline. You matter, and there is hope.

Don't do it my friend. I remember experiencing anxiety during high school, ended up with a good friend with an acquaintance through it. Hope you can find some good support people. Hugs and support

For me it's always been my family. I just couldn't do that to them, it's totally out of the question. I've known people who have committed suicide and it can really leave a lasting impact on those close to you.

I think about that too. how sad my pets would be. I do hope your pets bring you joy and comfort and remind how precious your life is.

Sonotsuave 35

I felt that way once too, not too long ago. My friends and family helped me get help. Please talk to a counselor/therapist, lean on your support system, call hotlines and reach out to the AFSP, and consider medication. I’m on lexapro and it’s changed my life. You can be happy, promise! ❤️