You're at home here

By Anonymous - 15/04/2022 13:00 - Ireland - Clonmel

Today, after years of struggling with poor mental health, my depression convinced me that no one would ever care enough about me to help if I reached out. I called the local suicide hotline anyway. They didn’t answer. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 144
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's perfectly normal to feel like that when you're struggling with depression and anxiety, but just know there are people out there that will help and care about you you're not alone.

Well, you came to the right place! The FML community is a group of caring and supportive folks from around the world who will give advice and share their experiences with mental health challenges. Luckily, there are no sarcastic trolls here or people making hilarious puns.


Well, you came to the right place! The FML community is a group of caring and supportive folks from around the world who will give advice and share their experiences with mental health challenges. Luckily, there are no sarcastic trolls here or people making hilarious puns.

it's perfectly normal to feel like that when you're struggling with depression and anxiety, but just know there are people out there that will help and care about you you're not alone.