PS I Love You

By Anonymous - 13/02/2021 17:01 - Sweden - G?teborg

Today, I had a group project on Zoom with some classmates I'm not so familiar with. When we were done and said our goodbyes, I said, "Bye bye, I love you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 640
You deserved it 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After a knee operation I was at home for 4 weeks and only interacted with my wife who I normally address as “Sweetheart.” After getting back to work I accidentally called one of my co-workers “Sweetheart” in a meeting. I immediately caught myself and explained the situation, but it was embarrassing. And it was a guy!

And if they say “i love you” back They’re keepers ;)


And if they say “i love you” back They’re keepers ;)

After a knee operation I was at home for 4 weeks and only interacted with my wife who I normally address as “Sweetheart.” After getting back to work I accidentally called one of my co-workers “Sweetheart” in a meeting. I immediately caught myself and explained the situation, but it was embarrassing. And it was a guy!

That's a good way to get more familiar with them. I love you, sweetheart!