Private Catholic school?

By Anonymous - 14/03/2021 23:01

Today, I had to write an argumentative essay about the morality of homosexuality. The prompt actually uses the phrase "the dangers of homosexuality." I'm bisexual. FML
I agree, your life sucks 954
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Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could write the dangers are the narrow minded bigotry of others.

Hard to say without seeing it for myself, but you legitimately might be able to sue the school over that to get them to take it out of the curriculum. And by that I mean your parents could...hopefully they support your bisexuality.


Hard to say without seeing it for myself, but you legitimately might be able to sue the school over that to get them to take it out of the curriculum. And by that I mean your parents could...hopefully they support your bisexuality.

Glitterbaby2613 20

well just write the argumentative side. doesn't mean you have to agree. they probably just want to see you can look at the situation from both sides. I'm Christian My religion is against homosexuals but honestly for me I just don't give a s*** they're more important things in this world going on then the gender of who someone chooses to love. why people care Is beyond me. if my soulmate is a woman I'll be with that woman. It has nothing to do with being gay or bi , I've never been with a woman but if I have a deep enough connection with a woman than I'll be with that one woman

Vesi 29

"..on then the gender of who someone chooses to love." I LOVE this comment!! When did you decide to be straight? Please tell all so that many others who are stuck with the sexuality they are born with can change their sexuality, too!! /s

Glitterbaby2613 20

if someone wishes to have a gender change then they can have one, expensive though, but I say if your gonna do it do it right, don't go to some backdoor doctor😒 why do we have to a label on anything that has to do with our gender and the gender of our lover, can you explain it to me

Glitterbaby2613 20

and when did I decide to be straight? or when did I decide to be happy with the body I was born in? I'n terms of being straight I've found that I prefer guys over girls for now but if I have a deep enough connection with a soulmate who is female and she loves me then I'll be with her. and in terms of wanting a sex change I found that I do like dressing as a man but I just call that being a tomboy I do love being a woman too though. that's just me though, can't speak for others obviously 👌👍 but it's nice that a sex change is an option now

If it’s so important to see the other side of things, then please write an argumentative essay about why it’s bad to be a Christian. Same, harmless topic, right?

what school is this? if your young and in a Christian school. you need to tell your parents. or write the essay from a second person point of view. if your parents feel this way, coming out could do more harm than good. don't forget there is support the Trevor project, PFLAG is there and gay and lesbian center near you?

I would be soooo tempted to write about the dangers of both homosexuality and heterosexuality as promoting narrow-mindedness and how the only acceptable preferences should be bi/pan or ace, because they treat everyone fairly.

That’s just as narrow minded of a viewpoint as those you’re arguing against.

Jigglygigglingpuff 3

That’s some actual bullshit.. you know what’s more dangerous? Well I’m sure you have an idea