Wokescolds gonna get you

By Red Toad - 30/11/2020 00:04 - United States - Litchfield Park

Today, I realized the topic for my 1750-word essay could end up offending people, and I had to start all over from the beginning with a different topic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 392
You deserved it 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, unless you're writing something horrific e.g. pro-slavery, pro-holocaust, pro-rape, writing something that opens discussion should be fine.

mccuish 25


mccuish 25

It shouldn't take more than a paragraph or two to realize that "Why I Hate (racial slur)" is an offensive topic!

I mean, unless you're writing something horrific e.g. pro-slavery, pro-holocaust, pro-rape, writing something that opens discussion should be fine.