Play ball

By cavgirl - 12/04/2009 22:40 - United States

Today, the guy that I like took me on to the Cavaliers game. At the game, on the jumbotron they do a thing where they show couples and have them kiss, the camera goes on to us and as I go into kiss him, he turns and says, "Not in this lifetime". The entire stadium got to see me get rejected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 146 498
You deserved it 11 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the crowd should of started the "asshole" chant

Next time he asks you to go somewhere or do something tell him - "not in this lifetime"


He probably meant 'not in this lifetime' because you're female. It was his way of outing himself. But still no excuse - ditch him.

why the hell would he take you to a game and not accept a kiss for thousands of people? that makes no sense, cuz he wouldnt have taken you if he didnt like you.

I just finished reading about how the Cavs crushed the Celtics and then I read this. Sorry girl. You deserve better. I agree with #2. But at least the Cavs beat those godawful Celtics! Bahston sucks. Anyway, before the camera was taken off you guys, you should have looked into the camera, pointed at him, and then held your index finger and thumb apart about two inches to indicate that he has a tiny dick. LOL!

#32... obviously it's not fake if all these people posting here were there.

striker_0 0

actually, i'm sorry to inform you that the game was broadcasted live across the nation lol. JKJK, THAT would really suck. but yeah meh ditch him.

haha #45.. that'd be hilarious. but yeah, what an assclown. he could've at least kissed your hand or something. you deserve better.

shayansh 0

In a similar situation, if the girl didnt kiss the guy, no one would call her an asshole.

@ #49 your right, we would call her a bitch...