Bureaucracy sucks

By Anonymous - 12/12/2021 01:57

Today, I got let go from work all because my work permit expired. I’ve been in the process of renewal with USCIS for over 10 months now, but things are delayed due to COVID. I showed them the notice of renewal, they said it wasn’t enough, “Rules are rules.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 129
You deserved it 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

happened to my dad like that too but luckily like 3 days later the new card arrived and he was able to get his job. at first they wanted to treat him like a new hire but he managed to get it back exactly as before. on a separate occasion he hurt his back at the Job and was off work for a long long while and they wanted to get rid of him and the day before he was set to be fired the doctor gave the ok to work again. My dad was fortunate but I know that's not the case for everyone and it's scary how one medical problem or a slow down of the government can cause people to become homeless of no fault of their own and then people go look down on them.


leogs23 24

That happened to me too :/ it sucks but o well

spider_plant 1

When they “have to let you go” like that they probably have other reasons. I’ve been there..:

happened to my dad like that too but luckily like 3 days later the new card arrived and he was able to get his job. at first they wanted to treat him like a new hire but he managed to get it back exactly as before. on a separate occasion he hurt his back at the Job and was off work for a long long while and they wanted to get rid of him and the day before he was set to be fired the doctor gave the ok to work again. My dad was fortunate but I know that's not the case for everyone and it's scary how one medical problem or a slow down of the government can cause people to become homeless of no fault of their own and then people go look down on them.