Overly cautious

By Anonymous - 10/02/2022 22:00

Today, my husband refuses to have sex with me until I get my tubes tied. We both agree that we don't want children, but this seems to be an exaggerated reaction since he learned that most birth controls are not 100% effective. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 260
You deserved it 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wysegirl 24

tell him to get snip-snip. he will heal faster and its an out-patient surgery

AxcentStar 18

How about him getting a vasectomy? Much easier


Seems pretty reasonable. I heard this story about a girl who had sex without her tubes tied and 9 months later this screaming goo creature tore it's way out of her body, some say to this day it still follows her around demanding time, food, attention.

wysegirl 24

tell him to get snip-snip. he will heal faster and its an out-patient surgery

AxcentStar 18

How about him getting a vasectomy? Much easier

He can get a vasectomy, then. Or for guaranteed results, get castrated. Problem solved.

you could still do oral also during your period you can't get pregnant

deathnote 5

who the hell taught you sex education? 🤣🤣 you can indeed get preggo if you are on your period. sperm can live in the ****** for a few days, and if the woman ovulates early straight after her period. BAM... possible baby! terrible advice!

Tell him you'd be willing to put on a strap-on and give him anal. Think outside the box, so to speak.

Yeah but if that backfires and he agrees, it's all fun for him and all work for her.

Good point. Back to the drawing board. Ok, how about he tosses her salad while she gives him a hand job?

You both do know that every months for more or less 2 weeks, you have no-chance at all to get pregnant?

IantoJones_fml 28

There are many methods of pleasing a partner that don’t involve pregnancy risk. Do both of you own fingers? Lips? And condoms if he’s really paranoid?

Lucky O'Guin 18

If he is absolutely NO KID policy, HE needs to protect himself from being baby-maker material. Tell him to get a vasectomy or get bent.

Sounds like that he agreed with himself when you are hesistating. He manipulates you, he is ready to hurt you for the sake of his pleasure. Run, baby, run.