Ohhh, wham bam thank you ma'am

By gagus123 - 28/10/2021 02:00 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, I accidentally left the handbrake off in my car, got out, locked it, and started walking away. Then I heard a loud noise and looked over my shoulder and the car was gone. Of course, it hit the only other car parked in the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 493
You deserved it 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's an expensive lesson. Don't forget the handbrake next time.

The car does not even have a handbrake. It’s an Automatic car I forgot to put the gear in park. Most cars will make a sound of some sort to warn you this one doesn’t. And for some reason the text have changed from what I originally wrote…


That's an expensive lesson. Don't forget the handbrake next time.