Next, on A&E…

By anonymous - 06/03/2020 03:17

Today, when I got out of the shower, my mother, my boyfriend, and 3 of my friends confronted me for an intervention. My problem? They think I'm a workaholic. What they don't know is that I lost my job 4 weeks ago. I stay up all night filling out job applications. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 810
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would it help to just be honest with them? Maybe then you could have a constructive conversation?

Hey, at least you kicked your habit cold turkey! One day at a time.


Hey, at least you kicked your habit cold turkey! One day at a time.

Would it help to just be honest with them? Maybe then you could have a constructive conversation?

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

why cant yor fill them out in the day? do you pretend to be at work in the day? and isn't it better to be a workaholic rather than moaning in two years that you don't have enough money to waste on luxury

I guess you finally had to come clean.

WistayShlaio82 13

They’ll figure it out when you can’t pay rent

Mooglefox 23

At least they care about you