By FamilyLoving - 19/08/2013 16:00 - United States - Patchogue

Today, I was out jogging. As I took a rest to have a drink of water, a car pulled onto the sidewalk and bumped into me. Not just any car; my dad's car. He then drove away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 116
You deserved it 3 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't always recognize my children, but when I do I make sure to hit them with my vehicle.


TheDoctor10 28

Maybe he thought you were being lazy? If so, that's extremely inconvenient timing.

Jake_Hale 7

YDI for jogging outside and not going to the gym.

Jake_Hale 7

Yeah you should call the police OP and report him. That's considered attempted murder.

He was just trying to motivate you by having you chase him! :)

Or his Dad chase OP to make him run a litle faster ;]

hcollins1 18

If so, his dad should blare 'eye of the tiger' while he follows OP.

I hope that's not his little way of letting you know he'll have all your stuff packed next to a stoner spoon when you get home...

Don't be so sensitive, everybody gets bumped into.

Sorry to say, but that really wasn't a good joke. Op maybe he thought it would be funny unless it's payback, for something you're not saying in your post?.

I don't always recognize my children, but when I do I make sure to hit them with my vehicle.

hcollins1 18

Obviously, OPs dad didn't recognize him. He just randomly drives onto sidewalks, bumps into people and drives off.

Nice dad. I bet he thought you were lazy and wanted to get you back on your feet.