No joking please

By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 02:08 - United States

Today, I went to the ER after a fall. Before the nurse did an X-Ray, she gave me a pregnancy test. It came back negative. I joked, "No martians have crawled into my uterus, then?" She didn't get it, and I had my head scanned for brain trauma. Never crack a joke in a hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 981
You deserved it 7 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Martian babies don't show up on the pregnancy tests.

you have an awesome sense of humor. I love you


whippymcdumb4zs 0

correction; Wow, that seems kind of dumb.

OR they just use every possible excuse to do extra (expensive) tests to get more money. stupid greedy hospital!

i like to pretend I have anthrax when I go into hospital. it makes me feel special and I enjoy watching the others run for their lives.

KatieRawrr 0

yeahh wouldnt a brain scan cost extra money, shouldn't let them do that maybe. LOL funny tho martians? oh youre crazy, must scan your brain now.

wouldn't cost extra money I'n canada HAHAHA

You're an idiot. If you knew just how many insane people we get in the ER, you wouldn't be saying that. Also, most ER's are always busy and want to get through patients as quickly as possible. Keeping you there longer for something as time-consuming as a head scan of any sort simply for the money (which the doctor or nurse doesn't get paid extra for) is a stupid thing to say.

I was thinking that because she fell, she could have possible head trauma? OP doesn't specify here.

oh how I love being Canadian :) don't have to worry about extra costs

RedPillSucks 31

Well, they take it up front when you pay taxes. I love Canada, but I like my mortgage tax deduction also. If they get rid of that, I'm moving north.

pinkp909 8

wow someone can't take a joke.. haha

Almost everyone that goes to the Er after a fall gets a head scan.

I was thinking that #94... when I fell down stairs, and was only there to get my shoulder popped back into place (I dislocated it because I held onto the railing instead of just falling) they didn't care how many times I said "I didn't hit my head" I still had to get the scan

Martian babies don't show up on the pregnancy tests.

at least she knew that your head injury didn't happen by having sex =)

ryanst 7

Fail comment grammar is fail.

22, your comment made less sense than 8's. 8's comment seemed perfectly fine to me.

In the internet dialect of English "Fail" is a noun, adjective, adverb, and verb with no derivatives. (Failure, Failed, Failing, etc) Consider this before calling someone on their grammar.

I'm ruining my poor afro scratching my head here...what was the pregnancy test for??

Ah!! I never knew that! I learned something new today!~

Buchitoo 4

Besides miscarriages it can also cause birth defects, mental retardation, intrauterine growth retardation and the induction of cancers like leukemia during childhood.

Hmmm...I never learned any of this in my Health Classes. Very useful information!

Probably to rule it out as a reason why she fell. I'm guessing the head scan was probably also to make sure there was nothing wrong with her head that would cause the fall or was injured in the fall.

all this from a pregnancy test huh? so you're telling me birth defects can be seen from a II or a I? or +, -? pregnancy tests are only a yes or no answer detecting HcG. if the test was done by an ultrasound then maybe I would agree but not from a pregnancy test...

#61, josegalvez08: The pregnancy test is administered prior to X-rays to allow the patient to make an informed decision about the risks v benefits of the diagnostic test (X-ray). It is in fact a measure of HcG (pregnancy hormone). Should the test have been positive, they would have arranged X-ray opaque materials to shield the area of the uterus to the best of their ability, reducing the potential exposure.

Rapt0rJesus 0

Not the smartest in the family, are you?

Also they just like to do them seriously everytime i go to the walk in clinic for bladder infection or anything where I give urine they always do a test, even if I'm like there is no way I'm pregnant, I haven't had sex

No you can crack jokes. But it's lame jokes like that you should just keep to yourself

FYLDeep 25

Yeah, had she said something funny, then there would be no need for concern. But with a joke like that, I don't blame the nurse.

Haha the nurse just had no sense of humor. Or maybe she had a rough week and dealt with a lot of crazy women? Haha