
By mandiballz - 12/01/2010 06:46 - United States

Today, I was saying goodbye to my 5 year-old son before dropping him at my mom's, as I was leaving for two days, and told him I would miss him. He said, "l won't miss you, I never miss you when you are gone." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 793
You deserved it 4 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pipistrello_fml 0

A) he's a kid. Relax. B) It's actually probably a good thing. This way you won't have to ever break him of a homesickness issue when he's older. C) if he's REALLY intelligent, he might be trying to help YOU to worry less about how he's feeling. D) ignore the idiots who reply like he's a bad kid. They have no idea what they're talking about.


Reyo 2

How am I the only one seeing this as a good thing? Now the kid won't grow up to be a needy, selfish momma's boy.

More like eff that kid's life for having a mom who takes every little thing that comes out of his mouth as canon. Let me guess? You're hoping that you two can be "best buds" when he's a teen, too?

Yes so he can grow up with abandonment issues and eventually turn into a non-contributing member of society with drug addictions and tendencies towards violence not to mention thoughts of suicide and/or self mutilation. Wow...I have no idea where that just came from....

I'm sorry. I didn't realize all foster home kids ended up like that. One of my best friends went into foster care for a while. So did his older brother. They're both fine members of society.

i have the ultimate and most coolest idea ever. fake your own death, and record your child's reaction and send it in to AFV. idk what you wud accomplish, but id laugh my ass off (>'')>#

waterynuggets 0

LOL #53 AFV is the shit. Tom Bergeron FTW

Pipistrello_fml 0

A) he's a kid. Relax. B) It's actually probably a good thing. This way you won't have to ever break him of a homesickness issue when he's older. C) if he's REALLY intelligent, he might be trying to help YOU to worry less about how he's feeling. D) ignore the idiots who reply like he's a bad kid. They have no idea what they're talking about.

npk88 0

this... Plus, he could just really like spending time with his grandma. For kids that young, going to grandma's for the day is just the best thing they can imagine. He was probably just excited about that.

Totally agree #5. Chill. He's a kid. Who didn't mean to hurt your feelings and yeaah... when you're a kid with some time away from your parents.. its a good time and he's looking forward to it. NOW. You just wait. When you come back he'll be running at you the moment you step in the door. He'll miss you even if he doesn't know it now. No need to be so overemotional about it. Kids say stupid shit. Get over it.

This is correct. Young kids are just starting to realize they are a separate person from their parents. They will explore this by seeing how other people react. Because they are young and exploring emotions, they will often say biting, hurtful things. This is normal behavior, and just requires patience and guidance to help the child develop empathy.

Whats the big deal, ur son is not a girl to express his emotions, he is a proud boy who tries to say that he is tough enough to miss you not. I mean, isn't that the thing that woman expects from a man? So stop bothering about it :) I bet ur son misses you, but he doesnt' show that.

From one mom to another, it's a phase. most kids go through that. Calm down.

lmao foster home lmfaoooooooooooooo jk jk

hyoori 0

just leave him alone for more than 2 days and see if he's missing u or not.