My body hates me

By Justin - 20/05/2021 22:01

Today, I pulled a muscle by doing absolutely nothing and now I can’t bend over without excruciating pain. I’m 15 and exercise regularly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 859
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to stretch more, mate. From a gym brother to another, do some yoga or tai chi.


You likely pulled it earlier than you think. It was after your muscles cooled down that it was noticeable.

You need to stretch more, mate. From a gym brother to another, do some yoga or tai chi.

xxlk4xx 6

I've been there so many times, my hips have gone out from me sneezing, my sciatica was messed up for a while, I've put my back out by simply leaning a tiny bit towards the mirror while I washed my face (can't see without my glasses lol) I agree just do some stretching each day, but do that once you've healed and start slow! I hope you feel better soon!