By FlabbyPants - 06/01/2015 02:51 - United States - Fort Myers

Today, I woke up with every muscle in my body hurting so bad I could hardly walk. Participation in a triathlon, or overdoing it at the gym? No, the results of a day spent cleaning the house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 718
You deserved it 6 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thomasrasmussen7 20

That is quite a work out though and hopefully it looks nice and clean.


thomasrasmussen7 20

That is quite a work out though and hopefully it looks nice and clean.

I was about to say. My muscles hurt more from housework than from running a few miles.

anthonyksee 11

At least you wont have to clean it for a while...

Steve97 32

Housecleaning should be an Olympic sport

Cleaning a house is no easy task so dont worry OP

Cleaning can take a lot of work. Hopefully your house looks good!

Hey be proud of yourself, at least the house is clean

23lf 16

Now you can invite some girls over, and if they notice your house is so clean, say you're always at the gym. That's why you're in pain.

_awwhellnaw_ 45

That'd be a fabulous idea if OP wasn't female.