
By Leah - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss gave me a speech about my "motivation issues". I've been working for him for 2 months, the commissions I've made for him paid off his bills, so what are my motivation issues? I turned down his offer of a date. I have a boyfriend. He keeps asking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 234
You deserved it 2 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well thats clearly sexual harassment, no matter where you are in the US. Get a lawyer.

What's with all the horny bosses these days?!


perdix 29

Maybe your boss and your boyfriend ought to have a swordfight over you.

lisha88 1

ever heard of sexual harrassment??

Maybe you should give him a speech about his "sexual harrassment" issues - in front of the entire office.

ok, here's what you do, very very... I mean VERY lightly tease, so lightly that its almost unnoticeable. the absolute most you should do is somehow attract his attention to your chest. If he wants another date and when you turn him down because your spoken for, and he pulls the same "motivation" excuse. Thats when you straighten your back, and infront of several witnesses, ask about his motivational excuse is with his poor sexual harassment.

ManaUser 0

I know this is a cliché response but: Lawsuit!