
By Leah - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss gave me a speech about my "motivation issues". I've been working for him for 2 months, the commissions I've made for him paid off his bills, so what are my motivation issues? I turned down his offer of a date. I have a boyfriend. He keeps asking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 234
You deserved it 2 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well thats clearly sexual harassment, no matter where you are in the US. Get a lawyer.

What's with all the horny bosses these days?!


Lil_Red777 21

She can't go on a date with him then sue him, all she has to do is say no and if he persists she can sue him for harassment but if he fires her she can also sue him for wrongful termination

puppy23 3

Go speak with a lawyer and get evidence. Don't lead the guy on but record what he says, what he emails you etc. You can sue, bosses like that give the rest of us and guys in general a bad name.

sourgirl101 28

I agree with keeping records of his advances. OP should also speak to the HR manager and have him/her aware of the problem.

You have to go to the EEOC not a lawyer. They will walk you through the process and if you have a good enough case they will handle it for you.

How dare you write an FML about me?!!!! YOU'RE FIRED !!!!

sleepereffect 0

sexual harassment suit and you become the. boss

perdix 29

It's telling that you prove your worth with your individual accomplishment. You're not a team player. Go out with the boss and don't have sex with him. Duh.

liy223 6

talk about dedication. jeez... not cool.

PSQ91 6

The downside of being attractive.

I'd drive in, into his office that is right threw the wall. I would slam my paper work down on what's left of his desk. then I'd spit and aim for his eye. then I would get down on the floor beside him, and ask him if he still wants a date.

jobsman99 0

find someone else to hire that will date him and get him off your back while you go to eeoc. and by the way document everything s keep a journal with dates, times, etc including the times it keeps you up at night to document the anguish and problems. good luck.