
By Leah - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss gave me a speech about my "motivation issues". I've been working for him for 2 months, the commissions I've made for him paid off his bills, so what are my motivation issues? I turned down his offer of a date. I have a boyfriend. He keeps asking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 234
You deserved it 2 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well thats clearly sexual harassment, no matter where you are in the US. Get a lawyer.

What's with all the horny bosses these days?!


randomHERO11 0

you should try not to be attractive.

Tonys_kitten6 0

be careful those guys like to start making your job a living hell!

EvilDave 13

Keep a record, make a recording, then threaten to sue him into the ground unless he settles by giving you a lot of money.

go on a date then throw hot soup in his face! :D

She's got a boyfriend. That would be cheating if she went on a date with her boss. Do you people have morals anymore?

The moment you say "no" and if he keeps asking, it's instantly harassment. Trust me, I know, I've talked to cops. Just make sure you talk to the cops about it, before you start suing. Cause then you actually have evidence to fall back on.

You need to go to your HR department immediately!! He's a pig, you should be able to do your damn job without shit like that! if you haven't already, write down everything he's said and done. Document it!

That's sexual harassment, and it should not be tolerated in any workplace. Gather up all the evidence you can of his continued prodding you for a date (and questioning your work ethic because you're not interested in him)--e.g., making recordings, getting statements from co-worker witnesses, etc--and then report him to the management. You should be allowed to do your job without putting up with unacceptable BS from the pig-headed asshole you work for.

lisettzkool 0

that's funny, definitely should go for it or just a lead on until you get a raise