Mother nature's son

By Rita - 24/11/2021 01:59 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my son brought home a fawn, saying it’s his new pet. I objected and told him to put it back in the woods, because the mom deer must be worried. He threw a tantrum, told me to stop getting in the way of their "bond” and stormed off to his room with it. He’s 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 090
You deserved it 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds something like Steve Irwin would have done tbh

I’m impressed he brought it from the woods into San Francisco, honestly


phybreawptic 13

Why the hell did you allow him to take it to his room?

Sounds something like Steve Irwin would have done tbh

I’m impressed he brought it from the woods into San Francisco, honestly

Are you sure your son isn't high out of his mind?

He probably shot Bambi's mom. Oops, spoiler alert.

well, when he turns 18 you can demand he start paying rent, and as his landlord you can have a no pets rule