Migraine-inducing FML

By myheadhurts - 21/06/2009 07:09 - United States

Today, I came home from an amazing cruise to find that my house broken into. My best friend apparently decided to invite her drug-addicted friends into my home while I was away, where they stole 172$ and my migraine pills, which are non-refillable. I now have a migraine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 283
You deserved it 5 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hecuva 0

make her pay for everything and change the locks so it doesn't happen again.. OR get the police involved.. get triple or more money for damages

LuckyCharms_fml 0

My dad has done that to me before


what a bitchy friend, make her pay it all back, or get the police involved

Ha! One time, my husband and I were out of the country, and his "friend" (pronounced i-d-i-o-t) held our keys and decided it would be a good idea to allow homeless total strangers to live in our apartment for several weeks. We came back to find that they'd re-arranged our belongings and ruined several of our appliances, one of which was my prize Cuisinart food processor. I had to throw it away.

some friend you have there that sucks and i get migranes all the time and they are pain in the ass.

UGADawg08 1

Murder your friend and her disgusting druggie friends.

purupuru 1

FYL. But also partially YDI, just for having a "best friend" like that.

Bullshet 0

Wow. Maker your best "friend" or her friends pay for the damages and pills. And get a new best friend.

People saying YDI obviously don't have migranes. They're nothing like headaches, they're a lot worse.

replace all your locks then call the police. then dump your best friend. obviously she's not your friend anymore. oh and i also live in Canada and the proper way to write is: $172.00

waxstigmata 0

i hope she's not your friend anymore, and that you called the cops on her dumb ass!

bexox 0

I think he reached the end of his supply. Usually you get x amount of refills and then you have to see the dr. again.

Here's how I'm logic-ing this out. If your friends took your migraine pills, that means that either you were prescribed opiates for some reason, or that your friends are idiots. The fact that they're nonrefillable leads me to suggest that whatever was prescribed is habit-forming in some way, so I'm gong to assume that they were opiates or another kind of habit forming painkiller, as opposed to triptans, which I've never heard of anyone abusing. If you were prescribed opiates, either a.) your doctor is lazy, b.) your insurance won't cover triptans and instead of spending the money (which I assume you have, if you were just on a cruise) you'd rather take narcotics over a long period of time and probably develop a dependency on them or c.) triptans didn't work for you. If A is true, YDI for continuing to go to a shitty doctor. If b.) is true, YDI for cheaping out on your health. Also, no matter what your issue is, YDI for not bringing your pills with you on vacation.