Maybe it's by accident?

By Anonymous - 20/04/2021 21:30

Today, I've been binge-watching a certain Twitch/YouTube streamer. I love his political insights, but I've noticed he keeps saying, "On accident." It grinds my gears so much, I had to go outside and listen to birds chirping instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 515
You deserved it 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to hear that, Peter Griffin. Albeit not that serious, you can relax and go on a date with Lois. Maybe talk politics with Brian for a little bit. I'm sure a little grammatical error is better than fighting Ernie Giant Chicken. That would really grind your gears!


Sorry to hear that, Peter Griffin. Albeit not that serious, you can relax and go on a date with Lois. Maybe talk politics with Brian for a little bit. I'm sure a little grammatical error is better than fighting Ernie Giant Chicken. That would really grind your gears!

See, that doesn't bother me, but the amount of AITA stories I see on the reddit reader youtubes where people say 'fell pregnant'. What the heck?? Did you like fall on a dick?

Might be french-speaking people. Sounds like a word for word translation of the french expression.

I guess they are the same ones who wind up on I didn't know I was pregnant

RowerBud 11

I posted this comment "on accident"

Dirtysalamander1 13

aren't you that gal that drinks bud light?

Perhaps they did it "by purpose"? On accident gets me too, along with such things as "my dog likes to be pet", "I seen it, "go acrosst the road" and "I nearly crap my pants". I'm going outside to listen to the birds now.

KingAdrock 16

Why don't you just correct him in the comments?