Make it stop

By honeybunny - 19/11/2014 19:04 - United States - Norman

Today, I'm 11 weeks pregnant and my husband has taken great glee in the fact that his horrible gas is enough to trigger my morning sickness. We're about to go on a long, 12-hour drive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 077
You deserved it 3 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontClickOnMe 28

Well if he triggers it, make sure you throw up on him. It may be the only way to get him to stop.

Puke on him. I'm very sure he won't take great glee in that.


what you need to do is every time he fart make sure you throw up on him. he will stop.

How did you legally marry a third grader? Who the hell wants to torment their pregnant wife like that? Puke on him every time he tries it. Every. Time.

that's just rude!! can't believe he actually thinks its funny! I feel sorry for you girl!!

Tsukiyomi 16
kotake 7

Begin taking great glee in turning in his direction whenever you feel nausea?

I am so sorry you have to deal with that. Morning sickness is bad enough on its own, but to have a man-child taking sadistic joy in it really sucks. I hope your dealings with morning sickness are short lived (I had 6 months of it when I was pregnant)

Puke on him in the car, see how happy he is then