Lower your expectations

By AchievementUnlocked? - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my husband and I were talking about celebrities he finds attractive. All of these beautiful, talented, glamorous women were starting to make me feel very plain, so he attempted to console me by saying, "But I love you. You're attainable!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 732
You deserved it 6 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

Step 1: open mouth. Step 2: insert foot. Step 3: move pillows to the couch..

Hey, I'm sure a bunch of all these beautiful celebrities are plainer than us regular folks. At least when it comes to personality.


I think you definitely deserved it. Why even put yourself through that? "I think today I'll get rid of my self esteem, yeah that sounds sweet." -_-

That was a really dick move of your husband. But talking about what celebrities he finds attractive is a conversation that's bound to make you feel that way. I'm curious as to how you got in that situation in the first place.

He's not shy about saying ANYTHING he likes or doesn't like. He's as honest as anything. Lol. One of his favorite bands has who he thinks is an attractive lead singer. He doesn't mind saying exactly what he thinks of her. Lol

monnanon 13

she probably asked and was hoping for him to say he didnt like any celebs. its called fishing and its stupid.

Not necessarily... Some people can be really vocal about their attraction and it kind of slips out. With my ex, I had to hear her drool over quite a few celebrities while I would get little, if any, attention. And as understanding as I tried to be, I was never the same way. I would lean towards dumping him if I were in her situation. Basically, saying "You're attainable." means "If I get a green light, I would cheat or leave you."

I'm sure he meant it in a way that was supposed to make you feel special like "well I could go for someone who has spent $500,000 to make themselves look better with little to no chance or I can go for a normal person who I actually have a chance with" Men are just as self conscious with their looks just as women and sometimes feel that a female wouldn't give them the time of day to talk to them just on how they look.

saraitkddh 47

tell him in return about all males you find very hot

Ah. Don't worry. That's most likely not what he meant. Differences in conversation styles usually make it more difficult for men to know the right words to connect with women on an emotional level. Don't be too upset with him.

Totally your fault....if your self esteem can't handle a conversation as innocuous as people he doesn't know that he finds attractive, I suggest some counseling. And, perhaps, not having a conversation in which you will find yourself comparing your faults to people whose faults are much better hidden.

lisaroxmysoxx 16
tehdarkness 21

Why have a conversation that u know will make u feel bad?

But has he seen them without make up on? Some of them are beyond hideous... I've got friends prettier than them. Either way, he's an ass