Fate, up against your will

By feel so dirty - 11/01/2018 09:00

Today, I asked my husband when he first knew he loved me. He replied, totally honestly, that I was the easiest girl he'd ever managed to talk into a one-night stand, only instead of doing the walk of shame the next morning, I stayed so long we ended up married with kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 923
You deserved it 1 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

It’s still a better love story than Twilight! Whatever you did to him during that first night clearly made him want more!


Exactly. Who the **** cares how it started. The first impression often does not mean shit.

manb91uk 22

It’s still a better love story than Twilight! Whatever you did to him during that first night clearly made him want more!

How romantic ... there’s a Hallmark movie in there somewhere I know it!

or maybe a Lifetime movie. and. you don't know crazy until you get "Lifetime Crazy"

He is an idiot. First - he is just as "easy" as the women he slept with. I guess others didn't think of him being for anything more than a one night stand. And what's with his "talking women into having sex with him"? If he needed to talk them into having sex, I guess he just wasn't enough attractive to get them without pestering.

Did he ever get around to saying he loved you?

onceuponatime456 16

What a sleazeball! You could have done so much better!

He was honest with you. why is this an fml?

A good example of why you should not ask some questions... Regardless of how it started, it has gone well and I think OP and her husband deserve praise for that.

To me the FYL isn't what his reminiscence happened to reveal about his first impression/intentions, it's that he avoided the question. Why would he not tell her when he fell in love? Does that mean he never fell in love with her, just settled for her because he didn't think he could do any better or some sort of thing like that?