Lower your expectations

By AchievementUnlocked? - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my husband and I were talking about celebrities he finds attractive. All of these beautiful, talented, glamorous women were starting to make me feel very plain, so he attempted to console me by saying, "But I love you. You're attainable!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 732
You deserved it 6 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

Step 1: open mouth. Step 2: insert foot. Step 3: move pillows to the couch..

Hey, I'm sure a bunch of all these beautiful celebrities are plainer than us regular folks. At least when it comes to personality.


The bastard! He tried to make you feel better, then he tried to be funny!? So you think FML? No Op, YDI. Ever thought to change the subject? You can not get all your needs met from 1 person. That's not fair to either of you.

mcldybug 7

don't ask if you don't really want to know. sorry OP.

Jeez, sweetie, I hope you cut off the conversation after that.

grrhelpme 12

My boyfriend does that too, slightly discouraging but I'm sure he doesn't mean it to be as upsetting as it sounds :)

I say this tongue and cheek, but there is something about Miley Cyrus I can't quite swallow. While she's on tv I get a sound tongue lashing from wifey because all she gets from me is lip service or a lick and a promise.

You don't understand this because your not a male but that's a complement with women being so complicated it'd nice to be within reach

He pretty much told her "I can't do better than you anyway!" That is NOT a compliment. Finding out your husband settled for you sucks. It's a shame she didn't find out before she married him. He doesn't really love her if the best thing he can say to her is "I love you because you are attainable"

Why, why, why are you even having this conversation? You're his wife, not his bro. He doesn't need to know who you fantasize about, either.

Men say the most odd things, but, OP- if you brought up the conversation you kind of deserve it! Hopefully he was joking with you, OP- and I bet your just as beautiful as them. :)

You know the kicker?? Have you ever seen those "Beautiful, glamorous girls" without their makeup artist and airbrushed perfection?? Most of them are quite hideous without makeup and retouch! What's better is many of our men wont look at them like that because they don't want to ruin the image. Don't feel plain in comparison to fake bitches OP, I'm sure you're beautiful, and have a personality better then, "Oh hey, did I get noticed today? hehe" Real girls are where it's at, as hard as it is to feel "less than", at the end of the day, he loves you for who you are! AND, next time, turn attention to the male celebrities that you're very fond of, and when he feels "less than", tell him, "It's ok, I'm can settle for you because you're real and attainable!" Gotta give them a taste of their own sometimes, because they don't think like us and don't even realize how that statement would hurt you feelings until you do it back! Good luck OP, and don't let that get you down!