Love is blind

By Anonymous - 27/09/2021 05:02

Today, my mom disowned me and forced me to move out because I didn’t have a crying heartbroken meltdown at the death of my stepfather. She knows I hated the man's guts since the first time he slapped her, so my not caring about his death shouldn't have surprised her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 277
You deserved it 82

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she put an abusive partner before her child, you lost exactly nothing by her disowning you.

I just have a gut feeling that you'd be good at throwing fox-hunting twats into the mud.


I just have a gut feeling that you'd be good at throwing fox-hunting twats into the mud.

If she put an abusive partner before her child, you lost exactly nothing by her disowning you.