Love costs a fortune

By Philip Seth Camps - 22/05/2021 11:01

Today, I found out that my now ex-fiancé was still married to her ex throughout the entire relationship. What I didn't realize was that I ended up paying for the divorce, and 3 months later she got married to someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 176
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yummi_913 18

At this point you're just lucky you never ended up as one of her (probably many) husbands...


Yummi_913 18

At this point you're just lucky you never ended up as one of her (probably many) husbands...

thatswhatshesaid 3

Be glad that the gold digger got what she wanted from you before it cost you everything.

I'm very sorry. On the plus side, it sounds like you were able to get out before it was too late. F the shmuck that married her's life